A mission of WEHA is to engage new audiences through an innovative approach to education and support members in obtaining their credential. The WEHA RS/REHS Study Traveling Trunk program provides material that can assist in preparing to successfully complete the exam. Materials include books and a Review Course Workbook with practice exams that can be utilized as a learning tool. The study trunk materials can be used for up to 30 days. If needed longer, another request can be submitted.
To obtain the RS / REHS study trunk you must be a WEHA member. To become a member click here.
Each trunk will contain the following:
1. Walter Saraniecki REHS Examination Review Course Workbook OR NEHA REHS/RS Study Guide
2. Books (such as Salvato but titles will vary)
3. Practice Exams inside of the workbook or study guide
WEHA hopes that the study trunk will be a useful resource for members to promote the RS/REHS credential. WEHA Board members have collaborated together with Local Health Departments and Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) to create these resources. We would greatly appreciate any feedback on ways that WEHA resources and programming can be best presented and utilized, to ensure that we are providing an enriching educational experience that compliments your hard work in the profession. We are eager for your feedback and opportunities for future collaboration. Suggestions and input can be sent to Sadie.Schuldt@cityofracine.org