
WEHA Wednesday Webinar Announcement!


Sponsored by the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) Board 

March 12, 2025 at 8:30 AM (CST): 

Environmental Health Assessments with DHS/WSLH

Equipment Loan Program

Presented by: 

Nathan Kloczko

Health Assessor and

Coordinator, Site Evaluation Progam

WI DHS, Division of Public Health

Sign up HERE.


Nathan Kloczko with WI DHS will present on the environmental assessment equipment available for loan to local and tribal health departments across the state to assist with evaluation during site visits.


If you cannot make the live event, you can also tune in later to the WEHA YouTube channel for the complete recording as your schedule permits. Don’t forget to hit the “like” button and subscribe to the YouTube channel.

Laura Temke
Mark Your Calendars!

WEHA is hosting the 2025 NEHA Region 4 Conference in conjunction with the FDA Regional Seminar September 17-19, 2025 at the La Crosse Center in La Crosse, WI.

We invite you to join a broad range of professionals to address challenges and issues associated with the ever-changing field of Environmental Health. Sessions, keynote speaker, networking and workshops will provide an exciting forum for the exchange of ideas and information at the conference this year.  

The WEHA Education Committee is now accepting abstracts for sessions.  Submissions are due by March 17, 2025 with notifications of acceptance by April 4, 2025.

Find additional information on the conference here . Registration will be opening soon.

Follow this link for form submission for both session submission and vendor consideration for the conference. 

WEHA is seeking creative, engaging, and informative presentations relevant to all functions of Environmental Health. Topics can include but not limited to:  

  • Food Safety

  • Body Art

  • Recreational Safety

  • Climate Health

  • Air and Water quality

  • Emergency Preparedness

  • Communication

  • Leadership

  • Emerging Trends 


Abstract Submittal Process

Abstract submissions are due by 5:00PM on March 17, 2025. Please limit abstracts to 300 words or less. A bio of the presenter(s) must also be submitted with the abstract.  Please limit bios to 200 words or less. The abstract and bio(s) can be submitted via the submission form or attached PDF.  

Selected presenters will be provided free conference registration for the day of the presentation and one night’s lodging, if required. Presentations are generally 50-60 minutes. You can request additional presentation time based on topic presenting on. The final agenda is to be determined by WEHA’s Education Committee.  


March 17, 2025              Abstract submittals are due

April 4, 2025                   Presenters will be notified of acceptance 

Please direct all questions related to the form and submissions to

Please direct all questions related to conference accommodations and registration to


Laura Temke
WEHA Wednesday Webinar Announcement!


Sponsored by the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) Board

February 12, 2025 at 8:30 AM (CST): 

ATCP 72: Lodging Key Updates and Public Comment Input

Presented by: 

Thaddeus Tuchalski

Environmental Health Technical Specialist

Division of Food and Recreational Safety



Sign up HERE.


Ted Tuchalski with the Division of Food and Recreational Safety of the WI Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection,  will summarize key code changes in ATCP 72, along with providing input received from public comments.


If you cannot make the live event, you can also tune in later to the WEHA YouTube channel for the complete recording as your schedule permits. Don’t forget to hit the “like” button and subscribe to the YouTube channel.


Laura Temke
WEHA Wednesday Webinar Announcement!


Sponsored by the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) Board 

January 8, 2025 at 8:30 AM (CST): 

WI Childhood Lead Prevention Program

Presented by: 

Cristalyne Bell

Epidemiologist, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program


 Sign up HERE.

Christalyne Bell, epidemiologist with the WI childhood lead poisoning prevention program will be presenting on how the new universal testing recommendations have impacted childhood lead screening in Wisconsin. 

Laura Temke
DATCP Accepting Nominations for Retail Food Safety Advisory Council Seats

DATCP is accepting nominations for the RFSAC through February 1, 2025. Seats representing the following categories are being sought for the council: Wisconsin Grocers Association representative, small retail food establishment – serving meals operator, small retail food establishment – not serving meals operator, convenience store operator with significant food service, and a meat establishment operator with a retail food service operation.

More information can be found Here

Laura Temke
New EH Leadership Opportunity Awaits

Dear Environmental Health Professional:

Are you ready to unlock your leadership potential?  This could be your moment!

If you are a NEHA member with a desire to make a difference, consider being a part of our next generation of leaders.    

Running for the NEHA Board of Directors allows you to unlock the leader within you.   It’s an opportunity to influence meaningful change, shape the direction of your profession, and make a lasting impact in EH. By stepping into a leadership role, you’ll enhance your personal growth, expand your professional network, and elevate your skills. Leading also provides a platform to mentor others, advocate for important causes, and contribute to the success and future of the environmental health. We would love to have YOU. 

The application deadline is approaching on December 2nd.  Find out more here: Election Process

Thanks for all you do in environmental health!

Laura Temke

Congratulations to the Environmental Health Professional of the Year, Hsing-Yi Hsieh


Congratulations to the 2024 scholarship recipients!


Congratulations to the 2024 WEHA Conference raffle winners!

Laura Temke
WEHA Wednesday Webinar Announcement!


Sponsored by the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) Board

October 9. 2024, at 8:30 AM (CST):

Syrup and Honey Licensing and Exemptions


Presented by:

Charles Bloom, RS

Food Scientist, Advanced


 Sign up HERE.

Charles Bloom with DATCP, Division of Food and Recreational Safety will be presenting on syrup and honey licensing and exemptions.  What is exempt from licensing? What requires a retail food permit?

Laura Temke
WEHA Wednesday Webinar Announcement!


Sponsored by the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) Board 

September 11, 2024, at 8:30 AM (CST): 

Wisconsin’s Landlord / Tenant Laws 

Presented by: 

Michael Domke

Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection

WI Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection


Sign up HERE.


DATCP will provide an overview of Wisconsin’s Landlord and Tenant Laws with an emphasis on lease requirements, disclosures, habitability, repairs, security deposits and prohibited practices.  DATCP will also explain what happens when a complaint is filed and share some resources to help support landlords and tenants. 

Laura Temke