
WEHA Contact Information

WEHA is currently unable to access our email account. In the meantime, please contact your district Vice President with any questions or concerns until the issue is resolved. Thank you!

Laura Temke
WEHA Wednesday is Back!

Sponsored by the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) Board 

 February 8, 2023, at 8:30 AM (CST):

Ergonomic Considerations for Environmental Health Professionals   

Presented by:

Patrick Scott

Occupational Health Specialist

Environmental & Occupational Health

University of Wisconsin-Madison


Sign up HERE.


February is all about love. The most important person to love is yourself. Do you carry heavy computers and inspecting equipment around all day? Do you notice you catch yourself hunching over when sitting at your computer? Join us in this webinar that will focus on ways to love your body in an ergonomic way. Learn some of the common postural errors, ergonomics in the workplace, and more.


Laura Temke
WEHA Wednesdays is Back!

Sponsored by the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) Board  

 January 11, 2023, at 8:30 AM (CST):

Dropping the F Bomb! Challenging Our Notions of FIT in the Hiring Process


Presented by:

Lo Klink

Associate Director for Special Awards and Student Engagement and Strategic Award Design Consultant

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Sign up HERE.


We’ve all done it. You know, dropped the F-Bomb. No, not that F*%#-Bomb, the one that is so much more than a simple word, the one that comes with all sorts of complexity…FIT. A candidate looks fantastic on paper, but then you wonder, will they “fit”? When you use the F-Bomb are you considering your identities, influence, or impact in a hiring process? Join Lo Klink to learn more about this concept and how it can be harmful or helpful to our hiring processes.


Laura Temke
WEHA Wednesday


Sponsored by the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) Board

November 9, 2022, at 8:30 AM (CST):

Knowledge Gaps in Float Tank Water Quality Best Management Practices


Presented by:

Dr. Laura Suppes

Associate Professor

Public Health and Environmental Studies

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire



Sign up HERE.


Float tanks are recreational water baths with high concentrations of MgSO4 that provide a sensory deprivation experience. Many float tank facilities rely on chlorine as a disinfectant, but MgSO4 can interfere with chlorine test kit results. This presentation will address knowledge gaps in float tank water quality best management practices, including the need for more research on chlorine test kit accuracy in water with MgSO4.


Laura Temke


Sponsored by the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) Board

October 12, 2022 at 8:30 AM (CST):

Part 2: DHS Environmental Health Forum Mini-Series


Presented by:

DHS Representatives

October (September rescheduled):

Jessica Maloney, Indoor Air and Radon Program manager

Amanda Koch, Health Educator with the Site Evaluation Program

Curtis Hedman, Toxicologist with the Site Evaluation Program


Sign up HERE.


Join us for this two-session mini-series. Wisconsin Department of Health Services has heard from new environmental health staff that it would be helpful to provide opportunities to connect and share case studies, lessons learned, or provide opportunities for feedback on complex issues that you may be working through right now. The Wisconsin DHS Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health mold call response team plan to have an open discussion about DHS' mold response and existing resources. This will be an interactive session, with presenters posing questions to attendees about resources in their jurisdiction as well as time for attendees to share out on success stories, recent challenges, or questions regarding specific cases. We want to hear from you about your mold concerns!

Note: If you missed Part 1 of this mini-series, you may watch it on our YouTube channel.


Sponsored by the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) Board

September 14, 2022 at 8:30 AM (CST):

Part 2: DHS Environmental Health Forum Mini-Series

Presented by:

DHS Representatives


Jessica Maloney, Indoor Air and Radon Program manager

Amanda Koch, Health Educator with the Site Evaluation Program

Curtis Hedman, Toxicologist with the Site Evaluation Program

Sign up HERE.

Join us for this two-session mini-series. Wisconsin Department of Health Services has heard from new environmental health staff that it would be helpful to provide opportunities to connect and share case studies, lessons learned, or provide opportunities for feedback on complex issues that you may be working through right now. The Wisconsin DHS Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health mold call response team plan to have an open discussion about DHS' mold response and existing resources. This will be an interactive session, with presenters posing questions to attendees about resources in their jurisdiction as well as time for attendees to share out on success stories, recent challenges, or questions regarding specific cases. We want to hear from you about your mold concerns!

Note: If you missed Part 1 of this mini-series, you may watch it on our YouTube channel.



Sponsored by the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) Board

August 10, 2022 and September 14, 2022 at 8:30 AM (CST):

DHS Environmental Health Forum Mini-Series

Presented by: DHS Representatives

August: Lily Gonzalez Vasquez

Groundwater and Drinking Water Program

Toxicology Fellow

Sign up HERE.

Join us for this two-session mini-series. Wisconsin Department of Health Services has heard from new environmental health staff that it would be helpful to provide opportunities to connect and share case studies, lessons learned, or provide opportunities for feedback on complex issues that you may be working through right now. A representative from DHS will provide a brief case study and then open the floor for questions or for attendees to chime in on their experience with the topic. August will focus on PFAS. Another announcement will be sent out closer to the September webinar with the September topic.


Sponsored by the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) Board

July 13, 2022, at 8:30 AM (CST):

Introduction to Wisconsin Wild Mushroom Certification  

Presented by:

Tavis Lynch

Wisconsin Mycological Society



Sign up HERE.


Wisconsin Mycological Society and DATCP have worked together to create the first ever Wisconsin Wild Mushroom Certification Class!! Join us as we discuss what content our course will cover, and how our attendees will obtain the first ever Wisconsin Certifications!


Sponsored by the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) Board

June 8, 2022, at 8:30 AM (CST):

Wisconsin Mobile RFE Short Course, Licensing and Operation Requirements

Presented by:

Brian Jorata

Food Scientist Advanced-Licensing, Division of Food and Recreational Safety

Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection


Sign up HERE.

Food trucks & food trucks & food trucks, oh my! As we head into our busiest food truck time of year, it never hurts to have a refresher. Join us as Brian Jorata from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection licensing team briefly discusses things we may have forgotten over our long Wisconsin winter. He will touch on who licenses what, the different ways they could be operating/licensed, and a few other helpful refreshers.


Sponsored by the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) Board 

May 11, 2022, at 8:30 AM (CST):

Harmful Algal Blooms:

The Public Health Approach in Wisconsin 

Presented by:

Jordan Murray

Harmful Algal Blooms Program Coordinator

Wisconsin Water Resources Science-Policy Fellowship

Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health

Division of Public Health

Wisconsin Department of Health Services



Sign up HERE.


The Wisconsin Department of Health Services’ Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Surveillance Program exists to prevent and manage illnesses resulting from exposure to HABs in Wisconsin water bodies. This presentation will discuss how our program collects and investigates HAB-related health complaints, dive into classic case studies of human and animal illnesses, and showcase how we conduct outreach activities to improve awareness, understanding, and reporting of HABs and HAB-related illnesses in Wisconsin.


Who? Anyone in the EH Field or those interested in the EH Field, including WEHA members and other non-WEHA EH professionals; the webinars are open to any person that is interested. If you can think of someone that might enjoy this topic, please pass it along!


What? A 30-minute informal webinar program to address special happenings in the EH Field as well as to highlight programs and skills that interest EH professionals.


When? The second Wednesday of every month (except December and September).


Where? Virtual! Look for a registration link from your WEHA Vice President sent via email monthly. Please forward to any of your interested colleagues! Register HERE for May’s webinar.

Laura Temke
Mentorship Program


As we are planning for the 2022 WEHA Conference we are reaching out to everyone to see if there is interest in being a mentor to a student that is participating in our mentorship program. Below are the expectation/commitments of a mentor.  

Who: Environmental Health Professionals  


What: The Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) Education Committee is looking for environmental health professionals to participate in the Mentorship Program during the 2022 WEHA annual conference. Mentors will meet their mentees for lunch during the first day of the conference as well as have the opportunity to network with other environmental and public health professionals.  


When: October 26-28, 2022  


Where: The Ridge Resort & Conference Center, Lake Geneva, WI  


Why: To help students receive information about work in environmental and public health, career options, and education paths. This program prepares students for interviewing and provides networking opportunities to facilitate a smooth transition into becoming our colleagues in the field of environmental health.  



  • Attend the 2022 WEHA Conference (if you are unable to attend all days you must be in attendance on October 26th).

  • Meet and have lunch with your assigned mentee on October 26th.

  • Network with your mentee to get them comfortable

  • Mentors provide their email and phone number to mentees.

  • After the annual conference, the professional-student pair will receive an email every two months from the WEHA Education Committee. The email will include a question or set of questions to initiate dialogue between the mentor and mentee. Example questions maybe “How should students prepare for the RS/REHS exam? Or “What is the best way to prepare for interviewing with a health department?” Mentors are expected to discuss the question(s) with their mentee either by email, telephone, or in person.

  • In addition to the requirements above, it is strongly recommended the mentors meet with their mentees at least once throughout the year to talk in person. If the student is able to travel, this could be a good job shadowing opportunity.


Please fill out the application and respond to Lindy Wiedmeyer at regarding your interest by September 23rd, 2022

Laura Temke
WEHA Wednesdays Webinar Series - March 2022 Session!

Sponsored by the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) Board

April 13th, 2022 at 8:30 AM (CST):
Situational Awareness: Keeping Yourself Safe During Home Visits

Presented by:
Aaron Bergh
Patrol Officer
Menomonie Police Department


In this presentation, Aaron will provide some situational awareness tips and things to consider while out on home visits and inspections to keep you as safe as possible. He would like to recognize the works of a few people who have taught and inspired him: Tony Blauer (Blauer Tactical Systems and creator of the SPEAR technique), Gavin de Becker (Gavin de Becker and Associates, and author of book The Gift of Fear) and Tim Larkin (retired US Navy SEAL and author of the book When Violence is the Answer).

Who? Anyone in the EH Field or those interested in the EH Field, including WEHA members and other non-WEHA EH professionals; the webinars are open to any person that is interested. If you can think of someone that might enjoy this topic, please pass it along! 

What? A 30-minute informal webinar program to address special happenings in the EH Field as well as to highlight programs and skills that interest EH professionals.

When? The second Wednesday of every month

Where? Virtual! Look for a registration link from your WEHA Vice President sent via email monthly. Please forward to any of your interested colleagues! Register HERE for January’s webinar.

Laura Temke