The 2020 WEHA Educational Conference scheduled for September 23 - 25, 2020 at the Holiday Inn in Eau Claire WI has been cancelled. The Student Outreach Program (consisting of the Student Membership Program and Student Poster Presentation) are also cancelled.
UPDATED september 10, 2020
The Conference and Student Outreach Programs scheduled for September 23 - 25 are cancelled
The Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) has two different programs available for students to participate in the WEHA Educational Conference: the Student Mentorship Program and Student Poster Presentations.
Who? Environmental and Public Health/Science students
When? WEHA Annual Conference: September 23-25, 2020
Where? Holiday Inn, Eau Claire WI
Student Mentorship Program Details (limited to 2 students)
Students will be paired with a mentor whom they will meet with during lunch at the WEHA Annual Conference. Accepted applicants will receive FREE conference registration, hotel stay at the conference-delegated hotel, breakfast and lunch.
Why participate? To get help networking with environmental health professionals and get your career questions answered.
Attend day one of the WEHA Annual Conference & consider staying for the rest of the conference (included in your registration)
Register as a WEHA member (membership is only $10!)
Meet with your mentor for lunch the first day of the WEHA Annual Conference and go to a conference session with your mentor
Apply by filling out the online application.
Application deadline: August 3, 2020. Space is limited to two students.
Student Poster Presentations
Students will have the opportunity to present their environmental/public health-related research in a poster format to environmental health professionals.
Why participate? Gain valuable experience presenting your research to environmental health professionals.
Present your poster on 9/24/2020
Arrive prior to 11:30 AM to set up your poster
Register for the WEHA Annual Conference (reduced student rates & partial conference registration are available)
Apply by emailing Amanda Wilder ( with your student name(s), contact info, poster title & abstract.
Application deadline: August 3, 2020. Space is limited to 5 posters.
Iowa Environmental Health Association (IEHA)
IEHA is now accepting abstracts from local public health professionals and others working within the field of environmental health to present at their 2020 Fall Conference between October 14th and 15th. The Planning Committee will review applications for timeliness, relevance of topic, and potential to contribute to a well-balanced program.
More information can be found on the IEHA website here (external website).
Abstracts are due on July 10, 2020 at 11:59 PM. Presenters will be notified by July 31, 2020.
During the WEHA Educational Conference WEHA announced the 2019 recipient of the Environmental Health Professional of the Year award. WEHA was excited to highlight Claire’s work in environmental health ( She will join the long list of previous recipients that were selected for this distinguished award (
Conference materials now posted to the events page!
Join your peers October 16 - 18, 2019 for the Annual Educational Conference at the Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake, WI
Day 1 - General Environmental Health Sessions
Day 1 (Wednesday, October 16) will comprise of a wide variety of environmental health topics. The topics include:
Carbon Monoxide poisoning reporting
Source of Lead Poisoning
Safe Spaces for Children
Addressing PFAS in Wisconsin
Drug and Meth Cleanup
Legal Issues with Human Health Hazards
Roundtable Sessions: opioid cleanup, radon in schools, flooding response, algal blooms
Days 2 & 3 - The Conference
Day 2 (Thursday, October 17) The agenda will contain dual-track options for specific topics relating to food safety and general EH. Thursday will also include a round table discussion by DATCP to allow for more smaller group discussions/answers. Please note: some of the topics DATCP is presenting will be pre-recorded and available after the conference. The pre-recorded sessions will be a power point similar to the webinar series that DATCP is currently doing. These sessions will not be recorded live and will not contain any questions or answers.
The topics for Thursday include:
Legionella Case Study in the Dells- Shayna Dye, Ted Tuchalski
The Up and Up on Food Safety- Hsing-Yi
Pool Review
New and Emerging Pests- Batzner Pest Control
Plan Review: Cold Storage and Dry Storage Calculator- Julie Hults
Licensing, A Year in Review
Preparedness Training
Retail Inspection and Meat Safety- Paul Pierce, DATCP meat division
Round table discussions: Produce Safety, HACCP vs Variance, Maple Syrup, Product Assessment/Challenge Studies, Industrial Hemp, Retail Equipment, Cleaning Up Biological Incidents at Retail.
Day 3 (Friday, October 18) will be a half day closing session with our featured speaker. This year, WEHA is proud to sponsor:
Lone Jespersen, founder of Cultivate. Lone is an entrepreneur, high-level strategist, food safety expert, and visionary dedicated to helping food manufacturers deliver safe and quality food through culture-driven intervention. Find more information about Lone and her mission at
For information about registration, hotels, payment options, the silent auction, and conference contact information, please click the “Conference Registration Site” button above.
Members of WEHA along with other Environmental Health professionals attended the 2019 NEHA Annual Educational Conference in Nashville, TN. Of course the conference offered countless sessions to learn and develop our skills. However, there were many opportunities to have fun and meet new people.
On March 1, 2019, WEHA was notified that the Heidel House in Green Lake, Wisconsin, will be closing. Therefore, the Wisconsin Environmental Health Association 2019 Educational Conference has been moved to a new location.
This year’s conference will now be hosted at the beautiful Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin. For information on the resort, please visit their web page located here. The conference dates will remain October 16 - 18, 2019.
For more information on the 2019 WEHA conference, please click here.
Conference Location
DoubleTree by Hilton, 1616 Dodge Street in Omaha, NE (Google Maps)
Call for Abstracts
Abstracts will be accepted until January 15, 2019, see more information here (Nebraska Environmental Health Association’s website)
For the most current information, please visit:
Are you attending the Region 4 Conference this September? Do you have Twitter? Connect with us!
Take the time now to renew your WEHA membership for 2019. By being a WEHA member, you will continue to have the following benefits.
Opportunities to receive stipends to attend WEHA or NEHA Conferences
NEHA Annual Educational Conference – Nashville, Tennessee July 9 – July 12, 2019
WEHA Educational Conference – Green Lake, Wisconsin October 16 – October 18, 2019Ability to obtain continuing education credits by attending WEHA or NEHA Conferences
Reduced registration costs for WEHA sponsored events
Promotion and review of environmental health legislation and regulations
Network with other environmental and public health professionals
Go to the Membership page to renew