The Wisconsin Environmental Health Association (WEHA) has two different programs available for students to participate in the WEHA Educational Conference: the Student Mentorship Program and Student Poster Presentations.
Who? Environmental and Public Health/Science students
When? WEHA Annual Conference: September 23-25, 2020
Where? Holiday Inn, Eau Claire WI
Student Mentorship Program Details (limited to 2 students)
Students will be paired with a mentor whom they will meet with during lunch at the WEHA Annual Conference. Accepted applicants will receive FREE conference registration, hotel stay at the conference-delegated hotel, breakfast and lunch.
Why participate? To get help networking with environmental health professionals and get your career questions answered.
Attend day one of the WEHA Annual Conference & consider staying for the rest of the conference (included in your registration)
Register as a WEHA member (membership is only $10!)
Meet with your mentor for lunch the first day of the WEHA Annual Conference and go to a conference session with your mentor
Apply by filling out the online application.
Application deadline: August 3, 2020. Space is limited to two students.
Student Poster Presentations
Students will have the opportunity to present their environmental/public health-related research in a poster format to environmental health professionals.
Why participate? Gain valuable experience presenting your research to environmental health professionals.
Present your poster on 9/24/2020
Arrive prior to 11:30 AM to set up your poster
Register for the WEHA Annual Conference (reduced student rates & partial conference registration are available)
Apply by emailing Amanda Wilder ( with your student name(s), contact info, poster title & abstract.
Application deadline: August 3, 2020. Space is limited to 5 posters.